(KJPP) Pangaloan

Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik (KJPP) Pangaloan

Penilai Properti, Memberikan Jasa Penilaian buat perbankan, merger/akuisisi, jual-beli, revaluasi, dll Spesialis Mining Industry & Properti


email: kjpppangaloan@yahoo.com

phone: +6221-71695972 / +62-817-0700086


What goals your organization?

Each organization can be one or more goals that provide direction and unify the view that there are elements in the organization. To be sure the goal will be achieved in the future is a situation that is better than the previous situation. In order to achieve the purposes of the series of events this is necessary, as has been presented above is known as process management. 

In general, the process of management can be grouped into: goal setting, planning, Staffing, Directing, Supervising, controlling.

Series of process management is a process that is dynamic. In other words, the process can not be seen as stages of a stand-alone but as a process that allows the related recurrence of a back-step process that has been done before, especially in relation to the relationship between planning and control. 

To implement the management processes of the above, managers need the infrastructure and facilities, of which require power, the goal orientation, human and other resources. The power required by a manager to affect other people. There are several types of power that may be required, including: legitimate; coercive power; reward power; reference power; expert power. so,  What goals your organization?