(KJPP) Pangaloan

Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik (KJPP) Pangaloan

Penilai Properti, Memberikan Jasa Penilaian buat perbankan, merger/akuisisi, jual-beli, revaluasi, dll Spesialis Mining Industry & Properti


email: kjpppangaloan@yahoo.com

phone: +6221-71695972 / +62-817-0700086


Basic Guidelines Framework The Appraisal Asset

Basic Guidelines Framework The Appraisal Asset 
1. Valuation/Appraisal Vacant Land
a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines Vacant Land 
c. Reporting Valuation/Appraisal Vacant Land 
2. Valuation/Appraisal Hotel
a. Definition 
b. Hotel Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines 
c. Reporting Hotel Valuation/Appraisal 
3. Valuation/Appraisal Office Building 
a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines Office Building 
c. Reporting Office Building Valuation/Appraisal 
4. Valuation/Appraisal Shopping Center (SHOPPING MALL) 
a. Definition 
b. Technical guidelines Shopping Center (Shopping Mall) 
c. Reporting Shopping Center (Shopping Mall) 
5. Valuation/Appraisal Apartment 
  a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines Apartment 
c. Reporting Apartment Valuation/Appraisal 
6. Valuation/Appraisal Factory 
a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines Factory 
c. Reporting Factory Valuation/Appraisal 
7. Valuation/Appraisal PLANTATION 
a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines Plantation 
c. Reporting Valuation/Appraisal Plantation 
8. Valuation/Appraisal MINING 
a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines Mining Industry
 c. Mining Reporting Valuation/Appraisal 
9. Valuation/Appraisal Rights of Forest  
a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines Rights of Forest  
c. Reporting Valuation/Appraisal Rights of Forest 10. Valuation/Appraisal RIGHTS Built Operate and Transfer (BOT) 
a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines BOT 
c. Reporting Valuation/Appraisal BOT 
11. Valuation/Appraisal Rights Lease
a. Definition 
b. Valuation/Appraisal Technical Guidelines Rights Rentals 
c. Valuation/Appraisal Rent reporting rights

I will post the next.....