(KJPP) Pangaloan

Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik (KJPP) Pangaloan

Penilai Properti, Memberikan Jasa Penilaian buat perbankan, merger/akuisisi, jual-beli, revaluasi, dll Spesialis Mining Industry & Properti


email: kjpppangaloan@yahoo.com

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free import steel or iron

Only three producers free import 

The Government published the rules that restrict importee steel or iron. Only three producers of standard steel or iron-free import of production as needed. Importers may not enter steel or iron to the domestic market price for the purpose of speculation. 

This is set in the Regulation of Minister of Trade Tax 8/M-DAG/PER/2/2009 a valid 1 April 2009. Third is the automotive industry and components, and electronic components, and the dockyard. The three industries, the import of steel may be appropriate to their needs and specifications without verification in the port of unloading. 

To Controlled, government reports importee live match with the needs of the industrial production. This regulation aims to implement the principle of fair competition and protect consumers. There is no restriction, prevention, or the import prohibition. The government wanted to minimize the practice of importing illegal misuse of postal customs tariffs. 794 of the imported products, only 202 are arranged. 

Besides importers producers, the government only allows registered importers include 202 domestic product to market. Products are plated sheet steel, sheet steel is hot, and pipe weld. 

Exception of technical or verification are also provided for the import of steel or iron is imported with customs facilities by the government of the country and have a bilateral agreement such as Japan. 

Importees steel or iron for the needs of industry in the area of free trade, free port, and the region also need not belted verification. 

"There is no quota. The idea is imported according to regulations, we do not want to import to speculation," this well-founded concern. Imports of steel or iron increased sharply from 4.1 million tons in 2007 to 10 million tons in 2008. Impact, industry, iron, steel or national not good. During the last four months, the iron and steel industry the national black-and-blue diatom imported products, both legal and illegal.