(KJPP) Pangaloan

Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik (KJPP) Pangaloan

Penilai Properti, Memberikan Jasa Penilaian buat perbankan, merger/akuisisi, jual-beli, revaluasi, dll Spesialis Mining Industry & Properti


email: kjpppangaloan@yahoo.com

phone: +6221-71695972 / +62-817-0700086


Set your choice now

Based on the survey conducted on the R & D Kompas 20-2-2009 up to 3 March 2009 and announced in the daily Kompas on 30 March 2009, approximately 22.5% of respondents admitted not knowing the party choice, and 16.9% still keep choice. The Legislative Elections on 9 more days to live, precisely on 9 April 2009. The survey was conducted in the 33 provinces in Indonesia, and the largest selection of respondents to drop the “PDIP”, “Partai Golkar” and ”Partai Demokrat”. 

With the assumption of the respondents on the whole can represent the number of voters in Indonesia, could be the possibility of going in the upcoming Legislative Elections. 

1. Political parties that won seats dominant parliamentary / legislative (above 50%) is less likely to 
2. There has been public participation leads to voters of political parties 

Nationally, 38 Political parties party will fight the elections are democratic in the 9 April 2009, with the expected time remaining is: 

1. Both the Election Committee and the Regional Center of the program as well as possible 
2. Similarly to the Political Party election, expected to do well with the political campaign. 
3. Participants are advised to keep voters in the coming party democracy, so that the general election this really the democracy that good, so we as the international community to be a good example.